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  The mixes on this page are used with packages such as Pro Logic for the Apple Mac, Audigy and a host of other music mixing or sequencing packages. If any of the mixes contain any samples from the other programmes then you will not be able to hear the full mix unless you have these programmes as well... The mixes are all zipped, because they are faster for you to download. If a mix has any "imported" or "tweeked" samples, they are normally saved into the mix, but it makes the file size much larger. Any message or text that you want to send with your mix will be added as well, unless stated otherwise.

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There are currently 8 mixes on this page, the last was uploaded on 27/12/2010 01:46:55

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Mix Info:Remembering the Future 4.49mins @140BPM Dub Step with Sci-Fi Influence

Overall Rating

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Webmaster Review: This is another reasonable Dub Step mix produced with Logic Pro by Urban Graphic. Here is the much awaited review:- This Dubstep track begins with some computer bleeps. Shortly after the introduction a Dubstep swing beat formed from syncopated bass drum and snare hit join the bleeps. A sound like a musically tuned lawn mower or jet engine is used as a rhythmic lead instrument drive for the mix. At the one minute 20 mark a rumble, which sounds like a spacecraft landing is used to create some atmosphere and prepare the listener for later variations in mix. The engine sound earlier goes up higher in pitch over a few bars, in my opinion cleverly performing the task of that which a drum roll would normally perform. The engine seems to then power down before the main dub step beat returns this time with a slow machine gun snare pattern, hi hats, a deep bass line, and some other industrial sounds. At the 2 minute 49 second mark there is a short bridge of just the drum pattern. Next comes my favourite part of the mix, a raspy synth saw-tooth wave sound popular in rave music leads for a short whilst, accompanied by the bleeps from the introduction. This I would like to have heard for longer as it is far more interesting than the chosen concluding phase which is a driving sound effect, bass line, all drums, percussion and hats. The mix finally ends on the bleeps, and the engine effect, this time the sound seems filtered to accent higher frequencies and the characteristics of static or white noise. These frequencies may have been present when the sound enters the mix earlier but disguised by the accompanying instruments. I appreciate the mix is well structured for dub step and there is imagination and some fine beats, and excellent production. Despite these positive points, even taking into consideration that I may be bias as the genre is not what I enjoy listening too, I do not think that 'Remembering The Future' is as good as 'Discovering The Quantum'. Also in my opinion, an artist making this sci-fi style of dub step alone narrows the audience of their music considerably. I would like to hear some Dubstep which a little more harmonic from Urban Graphic in the future, or just something a little bit different to the previous mixes. To conclude though this mix is competent I am scoring it with 7 out of 10. It will be a good listen to those who like sci-fi or a more industrial sounding form of dub step. I would be happy to hear and review more of this type of music too.

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Mix Info:Discovering The Quantum 4:08mins @140BPM Dub Step/Drum and Bass/Sci-Fi Score

Overall Rating

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I will let you decide the genre you feel it best fits as it was written as dubstep but i would say it fits to other genres aswell

Webmaster Review: This is Urban Graphics First Dub Step Track Created With Prologic.This Sub Step mix begins with a series of snares/claps from drum and bass breaks. Then a lead raspy synth riff enters the mix shortly after. 26 seconds into the mix a slow heavy dub step bass drum pattern ( double/double/double single ) and an accent clap enter the mix. The mix becoming fairly interesting at this point, and we have what I will refer to as the main theme. An atmospheric pad enters the mix and things are now reminding more of menacing sci-fi movie music. At the 55 second mark all drums and other instruments leave the mix allowing the pad to form a break for a second or two. On the return of the beat an alternative lead forms a foot tapping rhythmic melody, forming an intelligent variation to the track. There is a very powerful series of bass line notes and dynamic sound effects too. The pad from earlier has transferred at some point into a sound which is more like a cross between an aircraft flying and a filter sweep. At the 1:43 mark this sound and the rhythmic melody duet form yet another break from the drum pattern. After the break main theme returns and plays to the conclusion at the 4 minute 1 second mark, but with some excellent additional synth lines and mechanical/industrial sound effects to add emphasis to the mix. The track ends what sounds like a bass line or industrial machine sound. The artist, 'Urban Graphic' of this mix appealed to me after my original score of 6, as it seemed a bit low, and suggested I listen again on speakers when at the time I only had access to headphones. It has to be pointed out that I am fairly new to this genre too, so I have had to do some research on Dub Step to find out what is regarded is quality. I have now carried out these suggestions and it has led me to re-score "Discovering The Quantum" with 8 out of 10. Other Things to be taking into consideration the genre is different to what I am used to and other examples of Dubstep I listened to on the internet in comparison tended be mellower or contained vocals. The production, structure, variation, creativity and imagination within this mix impresses me a lot and I think would be great for a science fiction film score. I recommend everyone has a listen regardless of whether they like Dubstep or Sci-Fi film track music.